Culture in Reġjun Tramuntana

” A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of it’s people.” 

(Mahatma Gandhi)

This page is all about the heart and soul of our nation. It will delve into the innermost folklore and tradition of Malta, with a special concentration on regional matters. 

We will do our very best to make this page interesting and informative. 

And as with our three other pages about the region, we welcome any comments and we strongly encourage new information to be submitted. Should you wish to add to this page, please send your request to

Ir-Reġjun tat-Tramuntana u l-importanza tagħha mfissra aħjar permezz tal-filatelija

“Ir-Reġjun Tramuntana u r-rabta tiegħu storika ma’ Melita (Malta), jimxu il-passi ta’ ġrajjietna, ddisinjata fuq bolla mibgħuta minn post għall-ieħor madwar id-dinja.”

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