St. Agatha’s Tower

The White Tower

Selmun Palace

Għajn Tuffieħa Tower

Għajn Ħadid Tower

A Brief History

Perched on a series of hills to the north-west of Malta lies the small town of Mellieħa. It’s elevated maritime position, being surrounded on three sides by the Blue Mediterranean Sea, gives it magnificent views all around. It is about 150 metres above sea level and it overlooks the beautiful sandy beach of Mellieħa Bay.  

 Today, Mellieħa has a community of about 9000 inhabitants and comprises new housing estates such as Il-Qortin, Santa Maria Estate, Ta’ Pennellu, Mellieħa Heights, Ta’ Masrija and Tal-Ibraġ. It also incorporates the small villages of Selmun and Manikata. 

 When, around 8000BC, the first inhabitants of Malta came over from Sicily, they must surely have been attracted to this place which is characterised by a series of hills and valleys which abound in large caves, sheltered areas, fertile soil and natural spring water. So Mellieħa must have been a great centre for troglodytic habitations, as period shards of pottery abundantly indicate.  

 Later still, as we find in several places around Mellieħa, as at ‘Ta Msid’ in Aħrax, Armier, Għajn Żejtuna, Imġiebaħ and other areas, we find instances of megalithic remains while Punic-Roman and Palaeo-Christian tombs are also still visible near San Niklaw, Ħawwiexa and Selmun. 

 The enigmatic cart ruts which are scattered in many places in Malta are also present in several garigue areas around Mellieħa. Many consist of two narrow parallel gutters cut into the rock face. Sometimes they intersect and those near Paradise Bay lead to the cliff’s edge and disappear somewhere under the sea. 

 The legendary nymph Calypso also features in the Mellieħa spectrum with a cave complex overlooking Ġnien Ingraw Valley attributed to her as her abode while entertaining Ulysses. Some historians maintain that the description given by Homer tallies exactly with this place.  

Your Local Councillors

Click on the image to view duties & responsibilities

Gabriel Micallef

Matthew Borg Cuschieri

John Buttigieg

Vice Mayor
Minority Leader

Corinne Castillo

Emvin Bartolo

Rebecca Bartolo Cutajar


Loridana Darmanin

Kurt Buttigieg

Jude Samuel Cauchi


Your Local Councillors

Tap on an image to view responsibilities


Gabriel Micallef

Vice Mayor

Matthew Borg Cuschieri

Minority Leader

John Buttigieg


Corinne Castillo

Emvin Bartolo

Rebecca Bartolo Cutajar

Loridana Darmanin

Kurt Buttigieg

Jude Samuel Cauchi

Executive Secretary

Carmelo Debono

Council Services

Collection of Domestic Refuse

Please click on the button below to view the collection schedule for domestic refuse.

The days of the week when to take out the Black, Grey and Organic bags, ready for collection.

Bulk Refuse Collection

For bulk refuse collection, please click the ‘request’ link below.

Simply fill in all relevant details and submit the request. We will contact you with collection date.

Collection of Recyclable Refuse

Full details for collection days are included in the same schedule as domestic refuse.

For the schedule of glass waste collection, please click the link below.

Street Sweeping

By using either a mechanical or a person street sweeper, we are ensuring the up-to-date tidiness of our streets.

Click on the button below, should you see that an area has been overlooked

Apply for a Permit

Issuing of permits for machinery, material, tables & chairs, kiosks and occasional entertainment, LESA, LAS, and LEMIS

Click on the button below to get started.

Day Centre & Night Shelter

Operating Hours

Day Centre

Monday to Friday – 08.00 to 16.00

Night Shelter

During Night Hours

Contact: 21 521 333

Public LIbrary

Opening Hours

October to June

Tuesday – 12.30 to 15.30

Wednesday – 14.15 to 18.15

Saturday – 09.00 to 12.00

1st to 12th July & 8th to 30th September

Wednesday – 10.00 to 12.00 & 17.00 to 19.00

13th July to 7th September

Wednesday 08.30 to 12.30 & 17.00 to 19.00

Friday 08.30 to 12.30

Social Welfare & Services

Social Welfare Services are provided from the Local Council Offices every Wednesday and Friday form 08.00 till 12.00

Council Services

(tap the icon for details)

Collection of Domestic Refuse

Please tap on the icon above to view the collection schedule for domestic refuse.

The days of the week when to take out the black, grey and organic bags, ready for collection.

Collection of Domestic Refuse

For bulk refuse collection, please tap the icon above.

Simply fill in all relevant details and submit the request. We will contact you with collection date.

Collection of Domestic Refuse

Full details for collection days are included in the same schedule as domestic refuse.

For the schedule of glass waste collection, please tap the icon above.

Collection of Domestic Refuse

By using either a mechanical or a person street sweeper, we are ensuring the up-to-date tidiness of our streets.

Click on the icon above, should you see that an area has been overlooked.

Collection of Domestic Refuse

Issuing of permits for machinery, material, tables & chairs, kiosks and occasional entertainment, LESA, LAS, and LEMIS

Tap on the icon above to get started.

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